Hi there...all of Pierre's family & loved ones. I'm certain you'll all think that my commenting here on Pierre's page is strange. I,. myself think it a little strange. You see, I never met Pierre; and I don't even know how I got here. I do know that with God, nothing happens by coincidence. For a long time now when I pray, I pray that The Lord watch over those that He placed on loan to me, gave me to grow and nurture. Those being my children. I pray for those whom I love, yet have never met, those that love me as well, though we've never met. And I pray for those whom I'll never meet, either because they've gone home to God, or our physical paths will just never cross for reasons known only to God; but a love, a SOUL connection between myself and them exists or existed nonetheless. So, I think that's why I'm here. I watched Pierre's memorial; and I smiled. The photos show him in such a pleasant, calm, sincere light. It's clear that he was both very much loved and loving. I'm sure for some reason that you all know how much you were loved by him while he was on earth with you. And I believe that you are all loved just as much as he watches over you along with other members of your family that he's been reunited with. Carry him in your hearts and spirits with the joy that stems from the knowledge that one day soon the time that you've been apart, even if it be decades will seem like yesterday because time is no longer relevant to him. And when you and he say hello, meet again, it won't be relevant to you either. I look forward to a time, I pray, though it be years from now, when he and I will meet as friends who's paths never crossed on earth; but who's spirits recognized each other across time. I sincerely wish each of you the peace that only comes from walking with, from knowing Jesus. Vernie
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Stevens Mortuary is a family owned and operated funeral home that has served the Indianapolis community and surrounding areas for the past 89 years. We offer a wide variety of services and merchandise to fit any budget, which include traditional services, memorial services, cremations and life celebrations.
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46224, US
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